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  • Written by Paul Chubb
  • Category: MythTV
  • Hits: 3521

MythTV via Raspberry Pi 2 and OpenElec/Kodi

I recently described installing OpenElec with Kodi on the Pi 2. This post includes all you need to get it going and is based on my internal doco. I hope this helps people.

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  • Written by Paul Chubb
  • Category: MythTV
  • Hits: 1993

Installing OpenELEC on a Raspberry PI 2

One of the nice things about copyright law in Australia is that Teachers can use programmes that have been broadcast on TV in their teaching practice. This has become, for some teachers, a prime source of resources in the History and SoSE areas. This copyright benefit led to a current project - that of building a good MythTV box to record documentaries as well as TV for normal consumption. Well the myth box is built and has 7 tuners installed brining the total recording capacity in house to 10 tuners. The next challenge is to make it accessible.

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